CFL 특수외국어교육진흥사업 한국외국어대학교

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비즈니스 포르투갈어

수업료 무료 등록비 없음
기간 2021-01-11 ~ 2021-01-20 강의시수 총 26시간
강의요일 월(1/11, 1/18), 수(1/13, 1/20), 금(1/15) 강의시간 09:00-13:00 (일일 4시간)
과정진행캠퍼스 온라인과정 강의실 Webex 주소 별도 안내
과정 개요 및 목표 The goal of this class is to introduce students to the vocabulary and expressions that are specific to business world, for example, management and finances vocabulary. In addition, students will practice how to write in a professional manner, describing information, reporting data and presenting ideas. Finally, we will discuss Brazilian politeness and etiquette, instructing students on how to avoid problems and misunderstandings.
과정의 기대효과 특수외국어 원어민 선생님의 기업실무언어를 위한 전문적이고 특성화된 비즈니스 통번역 집중 과정 이수를 통한 취업 역량 강화
내용범주 내용
Class 1 Office and company vocabulary. Work positions, hierarchy and responsibilities. Description of the physical workspace, furniture, common tools. Computer and Internet related vocabulary and expressions.
Class 2 Business travel, ticket reservation, airport, hotel etc. Also, customs and immigration interviews. Finance vocabulary, bank accounting, bank operations and stock market description.
Class 3 Work events and meetings. How to rent workspaces, close contracts and do other common work-related operations. Brazilian business etiquette, how to interpret Brazilian behavior and how to avoid misunderstanding.
Class 4 Describing data, graphics and figures. How to report numerical information, change and evolution over time. How to present and report that information orally or in written language.
Class 5 Official correspondence in Brazil, common documents like Oficios, circulares, declaraçoes e requerimentos. How to address authorities in written documents, official titles and rules for official letters and documents.

※ 교원 사정 등에 따라 수업 일정 변경 및 폐강 할 수 있습니다.



교수명 소속 이메일
임소라 포르투갈어과
Maria Luiza Goncalves Aragao da Cunha Lima 포르투갈어과

※ 교수진은 과정 진행 중 변경될 수 있습니다

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